Bandera Grassland Grass Fed Texas Bred

All of our 2025 beef supply and most of our 2026 supply is reserved.  We have one more steer that should reach processing weight in November/December, 2026 that we are taking orders for.  After him, the next available beef will come from calves born this spring.  They will begin  reaching processing weight in the summer of 2027. Please send us an email if you would like to reserve an order.  Include your name, location, phone number, and quantity you wish to reserve.  Due to the terrible drought in 2019-2023, we were forced to take most of our calf crops to auction because we did not have enough grass to feed them. We must wait until the next generation grows large enough for slaughter, so future supply will be limited.  It takes approximately 30 months from the birth of a calf to reach salughter weight.

Land Made. Not Man Made. Better Beef. Better for You. Pure Texas. Pure Flavor.
  • All natural Grassfed Texas Longhorn beef.
  • Texas Longhorn cattle are naturally adapted to our native rangelands creating America’s original Heritage breed.
  • Our cattle graze lush open pastures producing wholesome uncompromised beef.
  • Its all about flavor! Hearty Grassfed Texas Longhorn beef taste cannot be duplicated in a feed-lot setting.
AGA-Member-Logo.png Cattlemens' Longhorn RegistryLand to Market
  • Higher in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and omega-3 fatty acids (better for you) than grain-fed beef.
  • Good source of beta-carotene and
    Vitamin E.
  • Genetically low in cholesterol.
  • More nutritious – high in protein.
  • A meal your friends will rave about; tender steaks and the best burger ever!
  • Slow Food • Happy Lives • Healthy Pastures
  • Great tasting beef slowly grown on natural forages, as God intended. Regenerative grazing is good for the animals and the environment.
  • Purebred Texas Longhorns, majestic animals that are as close to nature’s own recipe as you can get. No growth hormones or antibiotics administered, ever. Just beef that is Pure Texas. Pure flavor.
  • Allowed to grow at their own, natural, rate for full, robust flavor.
  • Dry aged beef, grassfed and grass finished to produce a truly artisan beef that is consistently tender and superior in flavor.
  Beef that is as Pure Now as it was back then.
P.O. Box 122, Tarpley, Texas 78883 - (830) 562-3650