Bandera Grassland Grass Fed Texas Bred
sheepWe do not have any lamb in stock at this time. We are hopeful to be able to offer sides of lamb in the fall of 2022, contingent on rainfall and forage availability. If you would like to be notified when we have lamb available, please send a request to be added to our lamb mailing list.

Sides of pastured lamb are offered seasonally.  Sides are cut into portions, packaged and frozen.  Most sides are 20-30 lbs. or lighter.  A few are cut with whole Frenched racks.  Most are cut with chops. We are taking orders now for fall 2018 orders.


Our last price for lamb was $9.50 per pound. That price is subject to change depending on the market price for Grassfed lambs in the spring. We finish them with our Grassfed steers and humanely slaughter at Mercantile Meat Co. in Utopia, TX, where the meat is inspected and labeled for sale in Texas. Click here to view a sample cut sheet.

The lambs are not fed grain of any kind or other high starch rations that would adversely affect the Omega 3 and CLA levels of the meat.  They are not confined to a feedlot or given antibiotics or artificial hormones.

The lambs are born on a cooperating producer's property and when weaned, finished along side our beef steers on our highest quality pasture, supplemented with alfalfa hay, salt and mineral. This program embraces the following fundamental

  • Pasture based production system where       animals are born and raised on open pasture with no confinement at any stage of production including finishing.
  • Holistic approach to ranch/farm management.
  • Forage based diet.
  • Responsible animal care that supports humane                                                                                          animal welfare, handling, transport and harvest                                                                                          of pasture raised lambs.


    lamb diagram

    "To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." __Thomas Campbell

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    P.O. Box 122, Tarpley, Texas 78883 - (830) 562-3650
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